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Virtual Grand Rounds on COVID-19 Response for Perioperative Clinicians in Sub-Saharan Africa
Primary Care and Covid (Snippets from the Medical Realities Global Virtual Grand Rounds)
Barriers to Training Opportunities for LMIC Surgical and Anesthesia Clinicians
Webinar on Covid-19 & Africa
University of Michigan Department of Internal Medicine Virtual Grand Rounds
Clean Cut Results - a path to sucess
Global Anesthesia Priorities in the COVID-19 Era
Fresno County Department of Public Health - COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall Meeting - 4.24.2020
11/02/21 Medicine Grand Rounds - Dr. Zucker
COVID-19 and HIV: Lessons learned from healthcare workers around the world. (Session 2)
Infectious Disease & Microbiome Program Meeting: Responding to Covid-19: Lessons from Other Epidemic
Surgical Burden of Disease in Africa - Global Surgery Webinar series, Episode 2